The Björka Blog

Cuissards cyclistes Björka de haute qualité, confortables, fabriqués en Italie, à prix compétitifs.

Cycling shorts: comfort and Italian quality with Björka

Why are cycling shorts essential? As a regular cyclist, you quickly realize the importance of suitable equipment. The muscles in your legs work tirelessly for hours, requiring appropriate support. Technical shorts protect the skin from irritation while promoting a natural aerodynamic position. Rides

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Triathlete cycling the Ironman distance in affordable, quality, Italian-made gear from Björka.

Mastering the Ironman distance: our key tips

Discovering the distances in Ironman The Ironman format represents the ultimate challenge in long-distance triathlon, combining three distinct sports in a row: Swimming section: 3.8 km aquatic course. Cycling section: 180 km road course. Running event: marathon distance of 42.195 km. The total addition reaches

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Personne mesurant son tour de taille pour choisir un équipement cycliste Björka de qualité fabriqué en Italie.

How to measure your waist for cycling

Why is it important to measure your waist size? To fully enjoy your bike rides, the comfort of your technical clothing is essential. Poorly fitted clothing can quickly become problematic: tight shorts that compress too much risk hindering your circulation, while a loose jersey will create

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Casque vélo route haut de gamme fabriqué en Italie, sécurité optimale, confort supérieur, prix imbattable.

Road bike helmet: performance and safety with Björka

The crucial importance of the bicycle helmet in the practice of cycling The world of cycling presents its own challenges for enthusiasts. Suitable equipment, especially at head level, becomes essential when faced with the unexpected. Recent innovations have transformed these accessories into real allies of the modern cyclist. Maximum protection

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Athlète cycliste lors de l’Iron Man, portant l’équipement cycliste Björka italien, abordable et de haute qualité.

Succeed in your Ironman with Björka equipment

What is an Ironman race? The Ironman is the ultimate triathlon challenge, combining three endurance disciplines in one epic day: 3.8km swim 180km road bike ride 42.195km run Triathletes who take on this adventure push their personal limits

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Image illustrant les distances du triathlon Ironman : natation 3,8 km, vélo 180 km, course à pied 42,2 km.

Ironman triathlon distances: the guide to prepare you

Ironman distances: a key element to master The Ironman adventure requires a thorough understanding of its components. Mastering the distances specific to each discipline helps athletes build their program, adjust their tactical approach and prepare psychologically for the challenges that await them on the course. A challenge

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Cuissard de cyclisme haut de gamme Björka, confortable, qualité italienne à prix abordable.

Cycling shorts: comfort and performance with Björka

Introduction to bib shorts: the cyclist's essential equipment The world of cycling requires special attention to equipment, whether you are a beginner or an experienced rider. At the heart of the cycling outfit, bib shorts are a fundamental element. Experienced cyclists know that a good pair of bib shorts radically transforms the experience

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Photo de lunettes vélo Björka pour cyclisme sur route, équipement haut de gamme pour cyclistes exigeants.

Björka cycling glasses: affordable Italian performance

Cycling glasses are more than just a fashion accessory for cyclists. They play a crucial role in safety, comfort, and performance on the road. Whether you're a passionate amateur or a seasoned professional, choosing the right pair of glasses can make all the difference

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Un cycliste sur route portant les nouveaux vêtements de vélo Björka lancés hier.

Winter cycling clothing: the guide to facing the cold

Winter is coming, and for cycling enthusiasts, that means facing harsher weather conditions. Riding in cold weather requires proper preparation to ensure comfort, performance, and safety. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of winter cycling clothing and how to properly equip yourself for

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Un cycliste sur route en vêtements d'hiver, équipé pour le froid, pédalant par temps hivernal.

Winter cycling clothing: ride warm with Björka

Cycling in winter can be an experience that is both rewarding and stimulating. For cycling enthusiasts, low temperatures are not a hindrance but an opportunity to take on new challenges. However, to face the rigors of the cold season, it is essential to equip yourself properly. In this

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Cycliste sur route portant des vêtements pour cycliste Björka, équipement performant de cyclisme sur route.

Cycling Clothing: A Guide to Optimal Comfort

Whether you're a recreational cyclist or a seasoned professional, choosing the right cycling clothing is essential to optimising your performance and comfort on the road. In this article, we explore the key elements to consider when selecting your cycling outfit, to help you

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